Your secret weapon to a 6- or 7-figure income on Airbnb, Vrbo,
or any other short-term vacation rental platform in under 90 days!
Messaging Scripts
100+ proven scripts you can copy/paste & use today
Signage & Design Templates
Professionally designed guidebooks & property signage
Dashboards & Financial Tools
Performance analysis tools to keep track of your investment
A proven set of tools...
This is the EXACT system we've used to generate tens-of-thousands of dollars of monthly short-term rental (STR) income in as little as two weeks. That's right... TWO WEEKS!
This toolkit has everything you need to skyrocket your success as an STR host. You'll have immediate access to our prized STR shopping list, eye-catching designs, inventory management templates, guest scripts & guides, revenue & profit spreadsheets, delegation & automation guides, pricing strategies, industry insights from long-time short-term rental experts, as well as the exact technology stack that we use to manage our STRs from abroad while spending less than 1-2 hours per month per property in our portfolio.
Join us on the fast-track to STR profitability and financial freedom today!

"I counted almost two hundred - scripts, templates, workflows... And without a subscription??"
"I was surprised by just how many resources were included."
What's inside?
150+ guides, frameworks, scripts, and signage templates included!
The ZERO TO SUPER-HOST STR TOOLKIT is designed by short-term rental specialists and industry experts whose sole mission is to help you reach profitability as quickly as possible. It's the exact system we've used to launch #1-ranking, "Guest Favorite" properties in under two weeks & includes everything you see below:
100+ scripts for guest communication (including industry-leading replies!)
Comprehensive shopping list for furnishing your first/next STR
Listing optimization guide for Airbnb, Vrbo, etc.
STR investing & mortgage success guides
PDF & print-ready guidebook templates (30+ pages!)
Contractor & cleaning staff screening guide
Delegation & automation guides (virtual assistants & AI included!)
Property management & task management board templates
Print-ready STR signage (20+ provided!)
Breakeven analysis & financial tracking worksheets (including P&L / ROI!)
Technology guide (the exact software we use!)
M.L Williams, CO
“This has truly revolutionized my hosting experience. The strategies
have empowered me with
the confidence I needed to excel in
the short-term rental market."
J.A Davis, NY
"As someone who ventured into the STR world with hesitation, I can confidently say that this toolkit completely transformed my approach &
outlook... And revenue!"
C.B Brown, WA
"It's been a game-changer for my short-term rental business. The templates & scripts saved me
so much time & effort. Thank
you for the toolkit!"
You don't need a 12-week training program or another online course. You need copy/paste scripts, practical recommendations, pre-designed templates & signage, and other plug-and-play tools that you can use TODAY.
There's no time to waste. In the time it took you to read this far you could have implemented at least three of our profit-generating frameworks within your STR business... What are you waiting for?!

STR Industry Insights
Once you sign up, you'll receive comprehensive guidance for short-term rental hosts at any stage. Whether you're just starting out or looking to optimize your STR portfolio, you'll get expert advice on furnishing your properties, optimizing & marketing your listings, essential guest amenities, as well as more than 50 other guides & scripts to take your hosting to the next level.
You'll get the exact scripts we use to get 5-star reviews, our templates for replying to common guest concerns (including tips to deescalate situations that occur if guests are ever dissatisfied with your listing), and valuable insights you can use to maximize your rental property's potential and guest satisfaction.
Everything you need
(and absolutely none of the things you don't!)
Think about everything you need to start a profitable short-term rental business and what help you'll need. This toolkit will guide you through every step of the process to do it the right way, with no second-guessing...
If you're an STR host, you could...
Furnish your property & purchase all your materials in one day
Hire the right cleaner the first time & set them up for success
Implement a set of proven scripts for guest messaging in under an hour
Get professional signage installed at your property before lunch
And so much more!